About me


I write with both hands and apply the benefits of having both brain hemispheres equally developed.

I can write your difficult ideas in a simple way. I explain the abstract in everyday terms and connect the dots to see patterns that repeat and go unnoticed.

What could be a trauma, is my best asset as a Social Ghostwriter.


My enormous curiosity, the result of having both brain hemispheres cooperating equally -Artistry and communication / Analysis and focus-, led me to delve into human behavior, design, art, neuroscience, music, communication, and psychology.

This led me to discover some interesting things that may interest you:

  • The Cultural Codes: a set of rules hidden in the collective mind that can be used when creating a post or article aimed at a particular audience. A post aimed at an American audience will not resonate with a German audience. This is why the advertising of the same product changes in different countries.

  • Narrative design: How to activate different neurotransmitters in the audience's brain depending on how we want them to feel.

  • Limiting beliefs: They are the obsolete drivers of our "operating system". Changing a single one doesn’t help so much. It is necessary to analyze the whole belief system and the tension between some beliefs with others. As well as the compensatory behaviors consequence of those beliefs.

  • Trauma: Big or small, it disconnects our anti-problem "internal firewall" causing us to stumble over and over again with the same stone.

  • The reason Pixar's stories manage to reach the heart of the audience in such an effective way.

  • The reason why some artworks and songs touch the audience's soul. Two different fields with the same effect, the unconnected dots can be connected and used in content creation.

  • And finally, because as a child I strived a lot to decipher what my parents wanted from me (complicated history where I had to interpret many situations). I almost never succeeded because my prefrontal cortex was not fully developed. So I wasn't able to predict what they wanted. But how it made me feel.

That's why I strive hard.

I'm ready to hear from you

Because knowing how to tell important ideas to your audience and being and excellent professional are different things. But they go hand by hand.

You focus on boost your career. I collet, write and publish your ideas.