You could
But because all you can get from it.
Just Because Mallorca is Awesome.
not forget this trip
People who move on -in their lives- like rockets in the sky get to know their inner settings.
People who ignore theirs move on in life like wet paper airplanes on the ground.
Growth vs. Endless struggles
I've been researching this for 15 years. And suffered in my own life.
Life game starts with different settings in these 3 aspects for us all.
The reasons are many
And they overlap as layers on top of you (slowly but steadily) trapping you into something similar to an invisible onion.
How can you know what's inside your onion and how its layers were built?
This is what you could do on this Trip.
Is this for you? Let's see.
Still finding yourself in your 30’s? Something is off.
Just started to build a life in the 40’s? Something is wrong.
Dedicated to sleep and having fun in your late 20's? You are lost.
Does it sound familiar to you?
On a scale from 1 to 10, how much do you see yourself stuck in one of the 3 options?
Why not a bigger number?
These are some valuable things you'll get on this trip that you won't find anywhere else in such a short amount of time.
-5 days-
You'll know who you are (not what you think you are) and who are you meant to become.
The hidden reason for your money struggles and personalized solution.
You'll realize how your family story interferes with your development and life goals.
You'll discover why you always tripped off with the same stone. - Highly important for persons facing emotional dependency-
You'll create effective tools to support you when overcoming hard times and adversity.
You'll get a realistic and personal actionable plan to hack your life settings and get lasting changes.
You'll integrate why all of this is highly effective - only- if you use it.
This trip is a temporary project of mine.
It means I don't make a living from this.
And also means not everyone who wants to join can do so.
It's limited to 5 pax max. per trip to ensure the success of the program and deep analysis of the person's life strategy.
This experience could be the most important turning point in your life.
You can access it only via email.
Subscribing for more info is free, and unsubscribing too.
You'll get a powerful welcome gift in your email (please check on spam folder) It will undercover some hidden truths about yourself today.
This will also help you clarify whether or not this is for you.